Treating Hair Loss

Grow Back Your Hair

Hair loss is a frightening, traumatic problem that affects millions of people across the world. Although hair loss is not a life or death issue, like cancer, it is much more than a skin deep problem. People who lose their often feel a corresponding drop in confidence and self-esteem. Hair loss can lead to a deep depression and make a person feel that he or she is unattractive. If you are interested in growing back your hair, you have found the perfect article. Read on to learn how to treat hair loss.

When you notice that your hair is falling out, schedule an appointment to see your doctor. Your doctor will be able to help you determine what is causing your hair loss problem. Although the majority of hair loss is due to genetic, hereditary factors, there are other things that can cause hair loss to occur. Thyroid disorders, endocrine problems, high stress levels, hormone imbalances, and poor diets can all cause hair loss. The good news is that if your hair loss is caused by a medical problem, stress, or a poor diet, once you fix the underlying problem, the hair loss will stop and should eventually grow back, although it may take some time.

If your hair loss is caused by genetic pattern baldness, then there are only two proven and effective treatments to choose from: the prescription drug Finasteride, marketed under the name Propecia, and the topical medication, Minoxidil. Finasteride is a pill that should be taken every day. It slows down, stops and in some cases regrows hair by reducing levels of DHT. It is recommended only for men. Minoxidil is applied directly to the scalp. It may be applied once or twice per day. Both of these medications must be used continuously in order to maintain their effectiveness. If you stop the treatments at any point, you will lose any hair loss benefits you have received and your hair will eventually start to fall out once again.

To fight against hair loss, you may want to try using Nizoral shampoo. Although it hasn’t been approved by the FDA for hair growth, some studies have suggested that it can help to treat male pattern hair loss. Use the shampoo only once or twice per week, as using it more frequently could irritate your scalp and potentially damage your hair.

If no hair loss treatments are able to restore your hair and you do not want to live with a bald look, consider wearing a hair system. Hair systems, also referred to as hair pieces, can look very natural. It takes work and effort to keep a hair piece looking good, so before deciding to wear a hair system make sure that you are willing to make that commitment. Also, use the Internet to search for the best hair systems. Read other people’s reviews and opinions.

Hair loss, as mentioned earlier, is an all too common problem that can lower confidence and self-esteem. If you are losing your hair, use the information you’ve learned from this article to keep as much of your hair as possible. Good luck!

Hair Loss Black Book